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02 Features
Cereal Foods World, Vol. 64, No. 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/CFW-64-1-0005
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Understanding and Assessing Cultural Differences in Sensory Preferences
Yanping (Catherine) Chen
Global Food Systems / AnalyticalSchool of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PR China 
E-mail: catherinechenyp@sjtu.edu.cn



Food companies are increasingly global and increasingly competitive. Understanding the preferences of local consumers is part of the strategy for global success. Consumers have established preferences for familiar products, but may also be persuaded through exposure and marketing to adopt foreign or unfamiliar products or to try innovative products that may sometimes be based on a fusion of foods or flavors from different cultures. The purchase of a product usually indicates a preference for at least some of the sensory attributes of that product, whether for flavor, aroma, texture, or other characteristics. Sensory preference testing across cultures, using well-established methods, can help the food industry to better understand consumer needs and to develop products that will be liked by the majority of consumers or attract more potential buyers.

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