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Effect of Barley β-Glucan in Durum Wheat Pasta on Human Glycemic Response

May 1997 Volume 74 Number 3
Pages 293 — 296
Wallace H. Yokoyama , 1 , 2 Carol A. Hudson , 1 Benny E. Knuckles , 1 Mei-Chen M. Chiu , 1 Robert N. Sayre , 1 Judith R. Turnlund , 3 and Barbara O. Schneeman 4

USDA Western Regional Research Center, Albany, CA, 94710. Mention of a product is for informational purposes only and is not meant to imply recommendation by the USDA over others that may be suitable. Corresponding author. Phone: 510/559-5695. Fax: 510/559-5777. E-mail: wally@pw.usda.gov USDA Western Human Nutrition Center, San Francisco, CA 94129. Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis, CA 95616.

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Accepted January 19, 1997.

High-fiber, high-carbohydrate diets, including foods with low glycemic index, have been associated with prevention and treatment of diseases such as coronary heart disease and diabetes. β-glucan, a soluble, viscous polymer found in oat and barley endosperm cell wall, was incorporated into pasta test meals. Five fasted adult subjects were fed test meals of a barley and durum wheat blend pasta containing 100 g of available carbohydrate, 30 g of total dietary fiber (TDF) and 12 g of β-glucan, or an all durum wheat pasta containing the same amount of available carbohydrate, 5 g of TDF, and negligible β-glucan. The β-glucan and durum wheat pasta resulted in a lower glycemic response as measured by average total area and maximum increment of the blood glucose curves. Lower insulin response to the β-glucan and durum wheat pasta was also indicated by lower average area and increment characteristics of the insulin curves. Barley β-glucans may be an economical and palatable ingredient for processed food products formulated to modify glycemic and insulin response.

This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc., 1997.