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Graduate Fellowship Program​​

The 2019application process is closed.


Available Award:

Charles Becker Graduate Fellowship: $2500 
Kellogg Graduate Travel Fellowship: $500

Total Awarded Amount: $3000 (up to 2 awards for $1500 each will be awarded in 2020)

These fellowships are supported by endowment funds of the Cereals & Grains Association Foundation, annual contributions by companies and Cereals & Grains Association divisions. Graduate Student awards are paid directly to the winners in September after Cereals & Grains Association receives verification of registration for the fall semester or quarter from the appropriate department head.

Any graduate student fellowship to which the recipient would otherwise have been entitled shall be paid in the regular amount, and no diminution of it because of receiving an Cereals & Grains Association Fellowship shall be permitted.

Purpose of the Awards:

The purpose of the fellowship program is to encourage graduate research in grain-based food science and technology. Research in such disciplines as genetics, horticulture, nutrition, microbiology, biochemistry, engineering, or chemistry is not eligible unless it is directly related to the student's primary research program dealing with a grain-based food science and technology related areas.

Eligibility Requirements:

The general eligibility requirements for applicants for all fellowships are:

  1. Applicants must be a current Cereals & Grains Association Student Member.
  2. The candidate must be enrolled in graduate studies by the time the fellowship becomes effective, or be a current graduate student pursuing a course of study leading to an MS or a Ph.D. degree.
  3. The educational institution in which the recipient is enrolled must be conducting fundamental investigations for the advancement of cereal science and technology, including oilseeds.
  4. A fellowship recipient becomes ineligible for further payments when all requirements for the degree for which the fellowship was awarded have been completed, or if, during the tenure of the fellowship, the student discontinues or substantially changes the research program proposed in the fellowship application. It is the separate responsibility of both the student and the appropriate department head to notify the Cereals & Grains Association Foundation within thirty (30) days of any such change.
  5. The recipient must be enrolled in an academic schedule that meets the minimum requirements of the university involved, for full-time graduate study.
  6. Age, sex, race, financial need, or previous receipt or non-receipt of an Cereals & Grains Association scholarship or fellowship are not conditions of eligibility for any award.
  7. The value or terms of any award are subject to change upon agreement with the donor.

Application Procedures 

2020 Graduate Fellowship Applications, completed as required, must be e-mailed to Cereals & Grains Association Foundation Headquarters on or before May 29, 2020 to be considered. All application materials (excluding recommendation letters) must be submitted as a single .pdf file. Recommendation letters must be sent under separate cover by the letter writer as a single. pdf file to Cereals & Grains Association Foundation Headquarters. Application file names must include your full name with "2020CGAGSF" to follow. (reference this example: JOHNSMITH2020CGA​GSF) An e-mail confirmation will be sent to you within 72 hours of receipt.

All information requested in the application must be provided. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Do not submit more than is requested. Use only the space provided on the application form. Do not retype the form, submit continuation pages, or use any reverse sides. Applications will be sent to each member of the Cereals & Grains Association selection jury for review. Material in excess of that requested will not be included.