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Future in Food Formulations: Why and how to balance cereal and pulse proteins in food applications
H. MASKUS (1), L. Bourre (1). (1) Canadian International Grains Institute, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

As world demand for food proteins increase, interest is growing in the use of plant proteins to fill this gap. Plant proteins exhibit unique properties with respect to functionality and nutrition. It is important to understand these properties when reformulating foods to meet protein labelling requirements. This presentation will introduce pulse ingredients to potentially fill protein gaps when used in combination with cereals to create complementary proteins within a food product. Applications in gluten free bread, breakfast cereals, Asian noodles and pasta will be discussed. As pulse protein ingredients (i.e. flour, concentrates and isolates) are included in product formulations, the protein content and protein quality of products will be effected. These nutritional changes will be presented in reference to product benchmarks of conventional starchy, low fibre products and cooked pulses.  Many factors must be accounted for when assessing the nutritional benefits of the utilization of pulse ingredients including protein content of the ingredients, protein quality and digestibility of ingredient blends, amino acid profile of ingredients, labelling requirements and serving size/reference amount. These factors and others will be discussed in this presentation. Further to this, product quality effects must be considered to ensure that a nutritious product is produced that meets the quality standards of the consumer.  

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