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Rapid Measurement of Grain and Flour Quality using a New Falling Number Analyser
M. BASON (1). (1) Perten Instruments AB, Hägersten, Sweden

For more than half a century the Hagberg-Perten Falling Number (FN) test (AACCI method 56-81.03) has been the world-wide standard used by grain traders and flour millers to screen out sprout-damaged grain and to control malt addition. Whilst the standard FN test will continue to be used in trade for the foreseeable future, evolving market requirements will also likely drive adoption of faster, simpler, safer, more automated and more accurate tests. To meet this need Perten Instruments has developed a new model of the FN instrument capable of running both the standard test and also an abbreviated version where more rapid screening is required. Comparison of standard FN test results using the new and prior models showed no significant difference on a diverse set of 80 grain and flour samples. As the key processes of starch gelatinisation, enzymatic hydrolysis, shear and thermal denaturation all occur within the first two minutes of the FN test, there is an opportunity to develop a more rapid test without significant loss of information. By adding force detection in the FN stirrer arms, a more rapid test has been developed that can be used to screen out high FN samples as well as provide a rapid pasting quality index. The new instrument also includes automated barometric pressure (bath temperature/altitude) correction, bath water level control, test termination at a pre-set time limit, results averaging, improved bath and lid insulation, a modern touch screen interface, and improved LIMs integration for traceability and data management. The new instrument provides continuity for existing FN users whilst addressing the emerging requirements of 21<sup>st</sup> century grain testing.

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