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Supply and demand—Can we sustain the whole grain market? Milling operation redesign to deliver whole grains
C. L. MILLER (1). (1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.

With increasing consumer demand for whole-wheat and other whole grain foods the flour milling industry has also needed to increase its capacity to produce whole grain flour. Although whole-wheat flour only accounts for roughly 5% of the annual U.S. wheat flour production, this segment continues to increase each year and will for the foreseeable future. In this talk I will discuss a pilot study done at Kansas State University in the Hal Ross Flour Mill, where we produced 100% whole-wheat flour by modifying our standard milling flow. The outcome of this study provides a strategy to produce 100% whole-wheat flour with existing equipment and without significant mill redesign. In addition to this study I will discuss alternative approaches and the challenges of meeting demand in a small but growing segment of the flour milling industry.

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