Cereals & Grains Association
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How will your symposium help AACCI set the stage for the next 100 years of cereal science innovation?

This question should be top-of-mind as you gather speakers and define key topics and take-aways for your symposium proposal. As the launch pad for the next century, the 2015 Centennial Meeting will be filled with sessions that are:

  • inspired, offering creative vision that poses the question, “What if…?”
  • forward-thinking, yet built upon solid science
  • positioned to tackle important issues
  • provocative, fostering further discussion of solutions and roadblocks
  • comprehensive and interdisciplinary, including research and applied methods

The 2015 Centennial Meeting Technical Program Planning Committee will be looking for proposals that address: worldwide food security, food safety, crop quality, ancient grains, health and nutrition, biotechnology and its impact, regulations, new analytical techniques and more. These topics are merely suggestions; this list should not be considered complete.

Elements you will need to include in your proposal:

  • symposium title
  • description
  • organizer
  • potential speakers
  • potential funding

Submit your symposium proposal by November 4, 2014