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New Book Helps Food Scientists Meet Consumer Needs

St. Paul, MN (August 31, 2009)—Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation: Where Science Meets Industry includes a collection of papers from oral and poster presentations, along with all of the abstracts, from the first Spring Meeting organized by Cereals&Europe (C&E), the European section of AACC International. These proceedings discuss the major innovation challenges the cereal industry is facing to meet consumers’ demands and expectations.

Consumers’ needs are perhaps best summarized as foods that are safe, healthy, and tasty. This book helps answer questions regarding these essential needs. With respect to safety, the cereal industry can already boast of an excellent reputation and a long tradition of safeguarding cereals and their products. But how can one define “healthy”? How does one distinguish between reality and fiction? If the best ways to add health benefits to cereal products are to be determined, the consumer’s palate needs first to be pleased. What are the most cost-effective ways to manufacture grain-based products for safety, health, and palatability? This conference addressed these important questions and this book is the result of the research and insights of many of the brightest minds in grain science today.

This book may be purchased for $69 plus shipping (USD) from AACC International. To order this book, go to the AACC International PRESS online bookstore at www.aaccnet.org (click “Books”) or call toll-free 1.800.328.7560 U.S.A. and Canada or +1.651.454.0766 elsewhere.

Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation includes the following sections (papers from invited lecturers)—Consumer Attitudes Towards Healthy Cereal Products; Consumer, Cereals, and Health: Trends, Fads, and Reality; and Health Benefits of Whole Grain Products. The Science Track includes Consumer Insights and Nutritional Aspects of Innovative Cereal-Based Products and Cereals: Source of High Quality Nutrients. The Technology Track includes Better processes for Better Nutrition, Bioactive Ingredients, and Product Quality.

2009; 6” x 9” softcover; 190 pages; ISBN 978-1-891127-61-8; (1 pound); Item No. 27618; $69

NOTE: Digital artwork of the book’s cover is available by contacting Ashley Armstrong. Please specify if the artwork will be used for print or electronic media.